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Avoid These Five Common Pitfalls in Your MBA Essays

Posted date: 2024-06-27

MBA essays can account for up to 16% of your application. So, this is your chance to prove to an experienced admission team why you are the best applicant for that program. And why do you want to be admitted to that university? And above all why must the admission committee choose you in contrast to others? If you are a top graduate of your class or shone in the GMAT or you have a 10-year career plan. It is worth your time that you read our useful tips for MBA essays and then ignore the common mistakes while writing your MBA essay.


Common Mistakes in Writing MBA Essays


Mistake 1: Avoiding the Research of Every School and Program in Your MBA Essay

Whereas you might be keen to begin your MBA essays as soon as possible. But then not giving sufficient time to research every business school can get you off the wrong foot. So, you have to recall that behind the MBA admission team the real people working there and they know the school well. Hence they can easily tell apart a personalized essay from a general one. Online resources, campus visits, and as well engaging with faculty members can offer you knowledge of the qualities that they are searching for in applicants. And in what you can bring into line with these qualities. 


Mistake 2: Aiming Only on What You Have Done

Rather aim at what you value and what is your belief. A lengthy list of successes will only get you far with the admission team. It is very vital that you should focus on offering value and what you have done so far. Once go through your possible stories you need to ask yourself in what way experience shaped you and made you robust. Or which strengths, qualities, and talents create a difference in community, family, and work. However, you can easily ignore these common mistakes while writing MBA essays, and for that, you must employ the right MBA essay helpNormally these services have a team of writers and they can help you.


So, these can prove you are passionate about something except for a career. As also a long way on the way to the MBA essays committee you will bring a unique point of view to the classroom. And that boosts the MBA community.


Mistake 3: Not Replying to All Parts of the MBA Program 

In an effort to keep a personal brand during your program. It can be simple to say that you can fall into the repetitive style of a lot of questions. The MBA essays applications normally comprise 2 or 4 questions and these can differ from one another in format and style. These are the Kellogg video essay or the open-ended Harvard MBA essay. As a means to better adapt your responses to the unique requirements of every question. 


So, it is very helpful that you need to break down the title into small and certain gears to tackle your question. You can also think about the word count that can offer you the level of detail the MBA essays admission committee searching for. The MBA business essay guide is a very useful resource to learn more about the different types of MBA essay questions.


Mistake 4: Not being direct enough in your MBA essays

The strict word limits of MBA essays pose a significant challenge for finding the balance between brevity and conveying yourself in the best light. On the other hand, this might mean sacrificing points you might want to wish to create. The skill to present arguments. And as well the connect tricky ideas succinctly can aid support your essay unique from others. On average MBA students go over at least 10 to 20 drafts before they finalize their MBA essays.  So, it is the ideal practice that you need to edit and proofread your work once you are done. It will make your essay free from mistakes and simple to read.


Mistake 5: leaving your MBA essays to the last minute

Rushing over your MBA essays makes the first four pitfalls on this list very tough to combat. As well as creating many drafts it is very vital that you have to think about the amount of time. You are required to plan and research, proofread, and carry out other tasks inside the process of application. On the other hand, deadlines as also very vital since few schools add essay questions in the last submission package. Whereas others shortlist applicants prior to offering essay questions.


Creating personal deadlines in advance is as well best way to remain on top of plenty of essays. And as well as deadlines. You can also begin the practice earlier. And then you can create the essay apart and then look at it again with a fresh point of view. Lastly, you can devote plenty of your time to your MBA essays. And then finish them before the time and allow yourself plenty of time to edit and proofread one last time.

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